Prevention Projects

Calls for proposals of Donors
for Disaster risk reduction
and Climate adaptation


Call from UNDRR

A study on the reach and effectiveness of early warnings in Timor-Leste

Deadline : 15 Nov 2024
Hazards : All
Continents : All
Countries : Timor-Leste.
Themes : Early warning

Call summary :

B Purpose
This study aims to generate knowledge of the reach of early warning messages in Timor-Leste, how early warning messages are received and perceived. The knowledge generated is intended to serve as one way of understanding the effectiveness of existing early warning communication and provide a baseline that can be used to measure the progresses made in the improvement of the country’s early warning systems.

C Outcome
The outcome of the study will offer insights and practical recommendations for improving the reach and effectiveness of early warning systems in Timor-Leste. Based on the findings, strategies to enhance mobile network coverage and access in remote areas can be explored, along with the development of alternative communication channels for those without mobile phones. The study will also inform the future training and education programs to improve public understanding and trust in early warning messages. Las but not least, early warning messages can be tailored to meet the specific needs and contexts of different communities in the future.

D Output
The study will generate an analysis document that entails:
- A comprehensive map of mobile phone service coverage in Timor-Leste;
- Insights into how people in mobile network blackspots receive or access early warning messages, and how other types of warning dissemination channels are practically appreciated among the population;
- An understanding of public trust, comprehension, and response to early warning messages;
- Recommendations for improving the dissemination and effectiveness of early warning messages, particularly in rural and underserved areas; and
- Policy suggestions for enhancing the early warning communication infrastructure and strategies.

E Suggested activities

1. Design of Approach and Methodology
The study shall first determine the types of early warning to focus based on the existing and available early warnings on hydrometeorological, agrometeorological, or geophysical hazards.
It is expected to analyze mobile phone service coverage to map out the population distribution in regions with and without mobile coverage. The assumption is that people with access to mobile networks can receive early warnings through Facebook or WhatsApp (which are common channels used by authorities for disseminating warnings) and provide an indicative reach of early warning messages.
The study shall investigate alternative methods of accessing early warning messages beyond mobile phones. Understanding how people in areas without mobile network coverage or mobile phones receive early warning messages is crucial. The study will also explore how different socially vulnerable populations, such as persons with disabilities, women, older persons, and children, access these warnings.
Lastly, the study shall examine the level of public trust in early warnings and the extent of action (or inaction) upon receiving warnings. In addition to the early warnings generated based on natural science, and implication of traditional knowledge or belief that are linked with early warnings shall be probed.
The study will entail primary and secondary data collection, followed by quantitative and qualitative analyses to generate meaningful insights.

2. Data Collection
Surveys and Interviews: conduct surveys in both urban and rural areas to assess mobile phone ownership, network coverage, and primary channels of communication. Additionally, it will carry out in-depth interviews with community leaders and residents in areas without mobile coverage to understand alternative information dissemination methods. The study team may mobilize enumerators and digital data collection tools to allow efficient data collection.
Focus Groups: Organize focus group discussions to explore perceptions and trust in early warning messages. Use scenario-based discussions to gauge understanding and likely responses to different types of warnings.Secondary Data Analysis: Analyze existing data on mobile network coverage from telecom providers. Review reports and data from local government and NGOs on communication infrastructure and community engagement. Sampling of the population shall be done through a) stratified sampling to ensure representation from areas with varying levels of mobile coverage; and b) purposive sampling to include key informants and stakeholders involved in early warning systems and community communication.

3. Analysis
Coverage and Access: Quantitative analysis of survey data to determine the proportion of the population with access to mobile networks and early warning messages and channels of early warnings among population.
Trust and Response/Actions: Quantitative analysis of survey and quantitative analysis

▷ Services

We offer our support for this funding opportunity.

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