Deadline : 10 Feb 2025
Hazards : Climate change
Continents : Africa, Asia, Europa
Countries : All
Themes : Media and communications, Local associations, Environment
Call summary :
Enabling better living conditions for future generations: That is our mission. The Allianz Foundation works with partners in Europe and the Mediterranean who are committed to social justice, open societies, and a living planet.
We support initiatives with civil society, ecological, cultural and artistic backgrounds. We put particular emphasis on projects at the intersection of these areas which strive for systemic change.
Our goal is transformation towards just, resilient societies and a climate-neutral future. This is why we fund projects in the range of EUR 80,000 – 200,000 for a period of up to 24 months, starting from August 1, 2025 at the earliest.
What we are looking for
We are looking for applications in the fields of Arts & Culture, European Civil Society and Climate & Environment from Europe and the Mediterranean region that
- pursue a clear impact plan and systemic approaches and look for solutions beyond predetermined paths. We request applicants to specifically describe the problem they are addressing and how their project can contribute to a solution.
- develop a sustainable vision that goes beyond the duration of the immediate project. What will last beyond the end of the funding period and would not have been possible without the project?
- have a trans-local dimension and at the same time are strongly tied in their surroundings – projects that aim to address global challenges by bringing about concrete changes in their region, communities or local environment.
- use natural resources responsibly and develop ecologically sustainable formats and strategies.
We particularly welcome submissions from organizations led by women, young people and/or groups affected by marginalization.
We welcome project proposals that use participatory approaches and actively involve their target groups in project development.
Three areas for concrete impact
The Allianz Foundation’s funding program focuses on projects in the areas of Arts & Culture, European Civil Society and Climate & Environment. To maximize the impact of our funding and be transparent about our selection criteria, applicants can find additional information here on the priorities we would like to set in the respective areas with the 2025 funding program. Projects must demonstrate the extent to which they meet at least one of the criteria listed below.
In the area of Arts and Culture, we are particularly interested in projects that
- enable participation: The projects are designed by people from different social backgrounds, which enables them to participate practically, make their voices heard and communicate their personal experiences to others (whether as actors, producers, or audiences).
- Open up spaces for community experiences: The projects make concrete and measurable efforts to anchor culture in the center of society, they counteract social polarization through openness and approachabilitiy; they explicitly include groups for whom art might often appear exclusive and elitist.
- Advance cultural change: The projects work at the intersection of art and climate and have an impact in both directions by dealing with a sustainable transformation of cultural practices at the level of production, reception or mediation and/or by using artistic means to test concrete ideas for fairer forms of coexistence on our planet.
In the area of European Civil Society, we are particularly interested in project that
- strengthen spaces for civil society and democratic resilience as well as promote social cohesion. These projects are active across borders and contribute to safeguarding civil liberties and the rule of law. They enable other civil society actors to develop in a sustainable way and to work independently and effectively.
- strengthen the role of journalism and the media as guardians of democratic structures in Europe and the Mediterranean region, create the necessary conditions for independent, fact-based journalism and support open discourse across political divides.
- Develop and implement strategies in the field of climate transformation. Projects support the decarbonization of the built environment sector and the development of liveable cities for all, putting them on the political agenda. Here, what is important to us is a systemic-transformative approach that, for example, promotes renovation before demolition and new construction or the use of renewable building materials, while at the same time incorporating social aspects such as climate justice and climate responsibility.
- are committed to sustainable land use at various levels in the field of biodiversit
We offer our support for this funding opportunity.
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