Prevention Projects

Calls for proposals of Donors
for Disaster risk reduction
and Climate adaptation


Call from CDRI

Development of the Second Iteration of the Global Infrastructure Risk Model and Resilience Index

Deadline : 06 Feb 2025
Hazards : All
Continents : All
Countries : All
Themes : Infrastructures safety

Call summary :

I. Pillar 1: Deepening, Downscaling, Projecting

The Second CDRI Biennial Report expands the work of the first report along three lines of work:
Deepening the understanding of resilient infrastructure by (i) incorporating additional risks and updating the model with new databases1; (ii) undertaking specific assessments of economic and poverty impacts due to infrastructure services failures caused by disasters, including a perspective on small and community infrastructure; and (iii) completing global surveys to understand better the underlying factors of insufficient resilience and the impacts on businesses and the economy.
Downscaling the global analysis undertaken for the first Biennial Report to the country and sub-national level to provide higher-quality risk assessments using better data and understanding of local conditions through national partners. At the same time, these analyses will review options, costs, and benefits of resilience and adaptation measures to reduce the impacts of disasters on infrastructure assets, systems, and services.
Projecting the modelling exercise to incorporate future expected trends, including investment trajectories to achieve the infrastructure-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets (with special attention to the vulnerabilities of last mile infrastructure services), the projected growth of urban centres, and related areas of analysis.
The following sections describe the specific research and analysis questions that will be explored in the second Biennial Report. The questions that can be answered with existing data and reasonable levels of accuracy will be included in the second Biennial Report.

II. Pillar 2: How to Capture the Resilience Dividend

The first Biennial Report provided a robust analysis of the magnitude of the “resilience dividend” at the global and national levels. It also took the first steps in analysing ways to build and maintain more resilient and climate-adapted infrastructure, including nature-based solutions and financial mechanisms. The Second Biennial Report will build on the foundation of the first report. It intends to move from the question of “What is the magnitude of the potential resilience dividend?” to “How can this resilience dividend be captured?”
Under this Pillar, the Second Biennial Report will review (i) financial instruments for resilience and adaptation, (ii) institutional, governance, and capacity frameworks, and (iii) frontier tools, including disruptive technologies and nature-based solutions, among others.
The report will present frameworks for each work area, building on the best approaches developed by other organizations, documenting good practices, and creating roadmaps for action. The “how to” discussions in Pillar 2 will be structured around and closely linked to the framework used in the first Biennial Report, which is based on countries’ capacities to absorb a disturbance to the infrastructure asset caused by a disaster, respond to the disaster, and recover to the original performance (or even to build back better).

These capacities depend on various capacities, mechanisms, institutions, regulations, and overall governance of the infrastructure systems and services. Pillar 2 will explore how to strengthen each of these capacities through enhanced financial mechanisms, institutional, governance, and capacity characteristics, as well as innovative solutions. Pillars 1 and 2 of the Report are closely connected in practice, as the modelling results and insights developed in Pillar 1 are indispensable to define roadmaps for action to capture the resilience dividend as analysed in Pillar 2.

Finance: Pillar 2 of the Second Biennial Report will present practical approaches to financing infrastructure assets and systems with greater capacity to absorb disturbances caused by disasters. These include financing more resilient and better climate-adapted infrastructure and proactive disaster-focused enhanced maintenance of the assets. The report will also review experiences and best practices with financial mechanisms allowing faster and more efficient post-disaster response and recovery. These include insurance, credit lines, catastrophic bonds, and other tools. The financing of maintenance, aging infrastructure upgrades, and nature-based solutions, among others, will be explored. The institutional arrangements, capacities, and roadmaps to develop and continuously improve these financial mechanisms will also be discussed, including the role of significant stakeholders such as the financial regulators and the insurance sector. Business models to mobilize private capital for resilient infrastructure will be explored. Finally, the analysis will explore ways to quantify and monetize the resilience dividend across public and private stakeholders....

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