Deadline : 15 Apr 2025
Hazards : All
Continents : Africa, Asia, Europa
Countries : Algeria. Egypt. Tunisia. Israel. Jordan. Lebanon. Palestine, State of. Turkey. Cyprus. Spain. France. Greece. Italy. Malta. Portugal.
Themes : Capacity building, Youth, Risk management, Environment
Call summary :
Interreg NEXT MED is a Programme funded by the European Union (EU) that supports transnational cooperation through the financing of joint projects which aim at making the Mediterranean area more resilient to the shared challenges it faces.
NEXT MED is part of Interreg1, a key instrument of the European Union which promotes European territorial cooperation across borders by means of joint programmes, projects and networks among national, regional and local actors from different EU Member States and among EU actors and adjacent non-EU countries, partner countries, overseas countries and territories (OCTs).
With a budget of €263million, Interreg NEXT MED aims at contributing to smart, sustainable, fair development for all across the Mediterranean basin by supporting balanced, long-lasting, far-reaching cooperation and multilevel governance. The programme mission is to finance cooperation projects that address joint socio-economic, environmental and governance challenges at the Mediterranean level such as the uptake of advanced technologies, competitiveness of SMEs and job creation, energy efficiency, water management, climate change adaptation, transition to a circular and resource efficient economy, education and training, health care.
The cooperation area, home to over 200 million people, covers over 100 eligible territories of 15 countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Malta, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia and Türkiye.
Priorities and budget of the call for proposals
The call for green transition projects addresses the 4 Priorities of the Programme and 9 related Specific Objectives. Each proposal shall indicate one Specific Objective only within the Priority concerned. The evaluation of the Application Form will be carried out in relation with the Priority and Specific Objective under which it was submitted...
2.2 Climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience taking into account ecosystem-based approaches
Funding: 9.890.095,00 €
Type of projects
For this call for proposals, the Programme has defined two different categories of projects. Both typologies apply to the 4 Programme priorities (smart, green, social Mediterranean, and better governance) and have a set of specific features as described below:
• Green transformation projects: these projects represent the bulk of the call for proposals and should be conceived as having a significant demonstration and pilot dimension, focusing on the joint development and testing of innovative approaches for accelerating the green transition and mitigating the consequences of climate change by demonstrating the potential and impact of low-carbon/climate-friendly solutions. Scale-up of already developed solutions using existing results which efficiency has been proven in the framework of previous initiatives and implemented projects should be considered by potential applicants.
• Eco-youth projects: the youth strand aims to support young people taking action for the green transition and to encourage their direct participation in the design and implementation of projects. Eco-youth projects are allocated maximum 20% of the budget of the call (€16 million) and can focus on all the Programme Priorities. To be considered as a project under the eco-youth strand, project proposals shall meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria:
- partnership including at least 2 organisations whose majority of staff involved in the management is aged 18-30;
- partnership including at least 2 organisations whose core mission is to work for the benefits of young people (demonstrating at least two years of experience prior to the date of the launching of the call in leading or participating in projects addressing youth with similar managed budget as for the share of the requested grant).
The project partnership shall represent a minimum of three (3) eligible countries including at least one (1) EU Mediterranean Country (EUMC) and one (1) Mediterranean Partner Country (MPC).
The same organisation can apply only once as Applicant (Lead Partner) under each Specific Objective. No limitation applies for the participation of the same organization at partner level. In case an organisation participates in more than one (1) project as Applicant under the same Specific Objective, all concerned projects submitted under that Specific Objective will be rejected.
The partnership shall not include more than two (2) organisations from the same country.
For this call related to the green transition, an exception to the geographical eligibility rule has been introdu
We offer our support for this funding opportunity.
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