Prevention Projects

Calls for proposals of Donors
for Disaster risk reduction
and Climate adaptation


Call from UNDRR, IOM, WHO

Harnessing synergies between climate change adaptation and risk reduction in migrant-inclusive health system responses in Lebanon, Jordan and Irak

Deadline : 20 Sep 2024
Hazards : Climate change
Continents : Asia
Countries : Iraq. Jordan. Lebanon.
Themes : Health, Mobility

Call summary :

A Rationale :
This joint programme, implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) in the following target countries: Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon; which aims to strengthen synergies between climate change adaptation (CCA) and risk reduction in the MENA region. By mainstreaming a gender-sensitive human mobility perspective into national public health adaptation and DRR strategies, the programme seeks to enhance understanding of the health impacts of climate change among both host and migrant communities in these countries.
The programme acknowledges that Climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity, which is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year between 2030 and 2050, according to WHO. The nexus between climate change and human health is well-established in climate change negotiations. In Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) whose submission is mandatory for Parties of the Paris Agreement of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), health is consistently highlighted as a key sector which requires measures for adaptation. Health is positioned as a high priority sector in all National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). Health impacts of climate change are gaining increased attention in the MENA region. The region is among the world’s most vulnerable regions to climate change due to its mostly arid climate, coupled with serious water scarcity, continued population growth and urbanization. Health impacts commonly identified in the region include cardiovascular and respiratory diseases caused by the rising temperature; resurgence and proliferation of vector-borne diseases; air pollution; and food and water-borne diseases caused by degraded quality of water resources....

B Purpose :
The overall objective of the joint programme is to contribute to strengthening synergies between CCA and risk reduction in the MENA region through mainstreaming a gender-sensitive human mobility lens into national public health adaptation strategies and DRR strategies and enhance understanding of health impacts of climate change among the host and migrant communities in the target countries.
Under this grant, the purpose is to develop a local resilience action plan for a selected city in Jordan through utilizing UNDRR’s scorecards (the public health system resilience addendum and the disaster resilience scorecard). The local resilience action plan must be developed with direct cooperation and consultation with the local government of the city and other relevant stakeholders.

C Outcome:
The joint programme has three outcomes. This grant is concerned with outcome 2 which focuses on having a new or updated local-level public health adaptation strategy and a DRR strategy which integrate a human mobility lens including a migrant-inclusive approach in the respective target city.

D Output:
A local-level resilience plan with a gender-responsive, human mobility-sensitive health response approach is developed and accessible to the policy makers and health institutions as a good practice example for inclusive local-level policy making....

H. Budget and administrative-related aspects:
The duration of the proposed project cannot exceed 30th September 2025. The maximum amount requested from UNDRR for the implementation of this project cannot exceed 90,000 (Ninety thousand) USD. The project proposal must not exceed 10 pages (attachments such as scanned copies of entity’s registration, CVs of staff etc. do not count).

▷ Services

We offer our support for this funding opportunity.

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