Prevention Projects

Calls for proposals of Donors
for Disaster risk reduction
and Climate adaptation


Call from IPUR

IPUR Seed Grant (Singapore)

Deadline : 21 Feb 2025
Hazards : All
Continents : Asia
Countries : Singapore.
Themes : Environment, Health, Information systems

Call summary :

1. Introduction

1.1. Based in the National University of Singapore, the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR) is a research institute which seeks to narrow the risk perception gap between the public and experts.

1.2. IPUR undertakes research on risk perceptions and risk communication through a multi-disciplinary approach that brings together science, engineering, health sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

1.3. IPUR’s research covers three domains of risk, with details on the IPUR website:
- Data and Technology
- Environment and Climate
- Health and Lifestyle

1.4. In conjunction with its research efforts, the Institute also has an outreach and education mandate. In all projects, IPUR seeks to create translational impact to build a more risk-informed society.

1.5. The IPUR Seed Grant Call 2025 provides seed funding of up to S$20,000 for novel projects on topics of interest to the Institute.

1.6. To support projects in the articulation of findings, insights and pathways to impact, S$5,000 of the funding will be allocated towards the development of an outreach component.

1.7. Examples of outreach component(s) may include:
a) Data visualisation
b) Infographic
c) Video story
d) Media commentary
e) Workshop or seminar

1.8. Apart from promoting research that focuses on translational impact, the seed grant aims to encourage high-quality submissions for future grant calls.

2. Themes

2.1. Seed grant proposals are invited in the three areas articulated in paragraph 1.3, including (but not limited to) the following themes:
- Risk perception and communication in the Asian context
- Dimensions and drivers of risk perception and risk perception gaps between publics and experts
- Tools, metrics, and methodologies for assessing public risk perception and enhancing public communication of risk by policymakers or firms
- Understanding and communicating risks in focal domains, including (but not limited to): aging and well-being, energy transition, medical risks, coastal protection, scams, emerging technologies (e.g., generative AI)
- Intersecting risks across domains

2.2. Multi-disciplinary proposals are strongly encouraged, and priority will be given to proposals involving investigators from at least two academic disciplines.

2.3. Proposals that include one or more partners from Asia, particularly those from developing countries, will be considered favourably.

2.4. Proposals must include a summary of the outreach targets that the project aims to achieve and the proposed accompanying outreach mechanisms.

2.5. As the award is meant to provide seed funding which would lead to other grants, the proposal should identify potential grantor and/or collaborating agency to further the research.

2.6. Where appropriate, applicants should incorporate the following in the proposals:
a) Explain how the research questions are adequately addressed through data collection and analysis by integrating established methods in the social sciences and humanities with recent advances in information technology, big data, data analytics, and computational social sciences.
b) Collaborate closely with potential users to foster the effective translation of research into policy impact.

3. Eligibility

3.1. Applicants for the IPUR Seed Grant Call 2025 must meet all of the following requirements:
- Principal Investigator (PI) must be full time NUS academic staff.
- Funding requested should be for new research ideas and not for supplementing existing projects / collaborations.
- Project must be supported by respective Heads of Departments (or nominee) and Deans (or nominee) of each Faculty/School using the Grant Endorsement Form (GEF).
- Up to two projects per PI may be submitted.

4. Award Information

4.1. Maximum grant amount is S$20,000 per project.

4.2. Duration of each project should be up to 12 months.

4.3. Awarded grant cannot be used for travel or conference expenses unless essential to the aims of the project.

5. Terms and Conditions of Award

5.1. Before starting research, approved proposals must clear the respective Research Compliances and obtain approval from the appropriate Board/Office (where applicable). Funds will not be supplied without such approval. For further information on Terms and Conditions of Award (Research Compliance) please refer to here.

5.2. The grant is a seed fun

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