Deadline : 26 Feb 2025
Hazards : Drought, Inondation
Continents : Asia
Countries : Pakistan.
Themes : Capacity building, Community approach, Risk management, Environment, Water and sanitation
Call summary :
4.2. Logical Framework
Goal: Improved resilience of communities to floods and droughts and increased economic opportunities of communities.
Intermediate Result 1 (IR-1): Integrated hill torrent water governance and strengthened disaster preparedness for floods and droughts
? Sub IR-1.1: Strengthened capacity of local stakeholders
? Sub IR-1.2: Policy, plans, and regulations developed and implemented
? Sub IR-1.3: Demonstration green infrastructure built
Intermediate Result 2 (IR-2): Groundwater recharge supported to increase urban groundwater storage
? Sub IR-2.1: Strengthened capacity of local stakeholders
? Sub IR-2.2: Policy, plans, and regulations developed and implemented
? Sub IR-2.3: Demonstration green infrastructure built
Intermediate Result 3 (IR-3): Increased water conservation opportunities in rural areas to harness rainfall-floods
? Sub IR-3.1: Strengthened capacity of local stakeholders
? Sub IR-3.2: Policy, plans, and regulations developed and implemented
? Sub IR-3.3: Demonstration green infrastructure built
4.3. Expected Outcomes
The activity is expected to achieve a number of outcomes, including fostering community organization and resilience building, policy reforms, strengthening local water governance and management, increasing surface water storage capacity, increasing the recharge of groundwater, reducing flood risks, increasing economic opportunities and ensuring the institutional and financial sustainability of these interventions.
5. Activity Interventions
The proposed interventions will improve resilience of communities to floods and droughts and increase economic opportunities by building more efficient and effective water governance systems through collaboration and interconnection of local communities, governments at all levels (relevant federal, provincial and local government agencies), the private sector and other actors. Across this work, the recipient will explore and implement locally-led, inclusive, cost-effective, innovative and sustainable climate resilient water management solutions. The activity will implement the following three broad-level interventions.
1. Eligible Applicants
Eligibility for this NOFO is restricted to local organizations or local entities. USAID defines a “local entity” as an individual, a corporation, a nonprofit organization, or another body of persons that:
(1) Is legally organized under the laws of; and
(2) Has as its principal place of business or operations in; and
(3) Is
(A) majority owned by individuals who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of; and
(B) managed by a governing body the majority of who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of the country receiving assistance.
$2,990,000 to $14,000,000
5 years
We offer our support for this funding opportunity.
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