Prevention Projects

Calls for proposals of Donors
for Disaster risk reduction
and Climate adaptation


Call from Australian Embassy

Direct Aid Program (The Philippines)

Deadline : 17 Jan 2025
Hazards : All
Continents : Asia
Countries : Philippines.
Themes : Youth, Community approach, Risk management, Environment, Gender, Inclusion, Recovery, Water and sanitation

Call summary :

The Direct Aid Program is a flexible small grants scheme funded by the Australian Government and administered by the Australian Embassy in the Philippines. The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia’s broader aid program which contributes to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. In the Philippines, DAP will support activities that align with the objectives of the Australia – Philippines Development Partnership Plan 2024-2029 to promote prosperity, stability, and resilience.

The Embassy is pleased to announce a call for proposals for DAP for the 2024-25 financial year.

The online application round is accessible at Interested applicants need to log in to the system and register to complete and submit an application. The round will close on Friday 17 January 2025.

Who can apply?

The DAP is available on a not-for-profit basis to NGOs and community organisations engaged in development activities in the Philippines that are eligible for official development assistance (ODA) and primarily managed by Filipinos and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), or the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).

Priority Sectors

The proposed project/activities should prioritise the participation and respond to the needs of the following sectors:

- disadvantaged children and women
- people with disabilities
- indigenous peoples
- the elderly
- displaced peoples due to natural calamities
- members of the LGBTQIA+ community
- the poorest /most vulnerable groups, and,
- the environment (particularly in the area of climate change adaptation and mitigation)

Amount and timeline

DAP provides grants of up to PhP1 million per approved project with a 6–10-month implementation period. Approved projects are expected to commence implementation immediately.

What activities are eligible for DAP support?

DAP activities should primarily be aimed at achieving immediate practical and tangible outcomes of high development impact, including capacity building programs in the areas of governance and human rights engagement.

The DAP will prioritise funding activities that:

- promote climate change adaptation/mitigation and disaster resilience
- promote inclusive access to and equitable use of renewable resources (wind, water, and sun) for community-based agricultural, water, and energy systems
- create sustainable livelihoods and generate income to help marginalised groups, especially disadvantaged women, to participate in economic activities
- provide accessible and inclusive community facilities for learning and occupational/skills training
- promote access of marginalised groups to nutritious, safe, and sustainable food supply
- provide sustainable small water and sanitation facilities to promote hygiene and prevent disease outbreaks
- promote youth development through sporting activities, particularly empowering girls and women
- promote environmental / biodiversity conservation
- address gender equality, disability, and social inclusion a well as those that promote locally led solutions/innovations to development challenges

DAP will also strongly support projects that address cross-sectoral needs and those that meet multiple objectives.

How are projects selected for funding?

Successful proposals must meet the following criteria:

- have a development focus and benefit the local community. Priority is given to innovative and creative projects that catalyse further development in the community.
- directly meet specific needs of vulnerable groups.
- have achievable, practical, and tangible results by the end of the implementation period that are sustainable.
- there is a commitment on the part of the local community to support the project and sustain them
- proponent and partner communities provide substantial counterpart contribution/resources, either in the form of labour, technical support, administrative cost, materials, existing assets, or cash. There should be evidence of capacity to sustain recurrent costs associated with the project during implementation and beyond.
- appropriate institutional arrangements are in place through the proponent organisation, partner community/people’s organisation, and partnership with the local government and the private sector.
- proponent can demonstrate that it can provide reliable project reports in a timely manner, and

▷ Services

We offer our support for this funding opportunity.

Read more about it


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